Daily Office Readings, Year 2

Week of the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 10)

(July 14 - 20, 2024)

Clicking on one of the readings below will bring up that Bible reading in the RSV translation.

Daily Office Readings
Eucharistic Readings


AM Psalm 148, 149, 150; PM Psalm 114, 115
Joshua 1:1-18; Acts 21:3-15; Mark 1:21-27




AM Psalm 25; PM Psalm 9, 15
Joshua 2:1-14; Rom. 11:1-12; Matt. 25:1-13



Isaiah 1:10-17; Psalm 50:7-15
Matthew 10:34-11:1


AM Psalm 26, 28; PM Psalm 36, 39
Joshua 2:15-24; Rom. 11:13-24; Matt. 25:14-30

The Righteous Gentiles



Isaiah 7:1-9; Psalm 48;
Matthew 11:20-24


AM Psalm 38; PM Psalm 119:25-48
Joshua 3:1-13; Rom. 11:25-36; Matt. 25:31-46

William White



Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16; Psalm 94:5-15;
Matthew 11:25-27


AM Psalm 37:1-18; PM Psalm 37:19-42
Joshua 3:14-4:7; Rom. 12:1-8; Matt. 26:1-16

Bartolomé de las Casas



Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Psalm 102:12-22;
Matthew 11:28-30


AM Psalm 31; PM Psalm 35
Joshua 4:19-5:1,10-15; Rom. 12:9-21; Matt. 26:17-25

Macrina of Caesarea



Isaiah 38:1-6, 21; Psalm 6;
Matthew 12:1-8


AM Psalm 30, 32; PM Psalm 42, 43
Joshua 6:1-14; Rom. 13:1-7; Matt. 26:26-35

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, & Sojourner Truth

Micah 2:1-5 ; Psalm 10:1-9, 18-19;
Matthew 12:14-21

Commemorations in italics are from A Great Cloud of Witnesses;
others are from Lesser Feasts & Fasts 2022

Commemorations in brackets are for trial use.


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Author: Charles Wohlers, mailto:chadwohl@satucket.com

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